repairs & quality controlLilli doing “quality control”restitching pink embellishment embroideryimprovised stretch frame to refurbish embroideryFront orphrey band reverseStabilizer backing covers raw embroidery threadsBack Orphrey band needs stabilizer backingreverse side of back orphrey band embroidery, raw threadsstabilizer backing on back orphrey bandcleaning old trim for reuseSewing orphrey trim onto new garment frontsewing trim onto front orphrey placed on stabilized silkAffixing ties fiddleback front liningLining encaases new garment with refurbished embroidered front orphrey bandstitching trim over lining encased fiddleback garment frontbundled up ties to keep out of edging stitchingNow for the back of the fiddleback chasublePlacement of refurbished embroidered orphrey band onto new garmentOur Lady with refurbished embroideryedging refurbished cross embroidery orphreylining encases back of new fiddleback garmentOutside edge stitching covers lining folded under it (encased)paper protects silk threads from metal embellishments during back assemblyAffixing new trim over lining encasing to newly made fiddleback garment frontReassembled ChasubleRefurbishment placed on new garment back complete