I am from the Episcopalian-Anglo/Catholic tradition, so from my early Altar Guild days I began working with linens, not blends, for use in the sanctuary. From time to time, mending and repair of clerical vestments would be tossed my way primarily to ‘get out the spots and stains.’ In some cases I returned them practically re-made; especially when it was from a visiting bishop or overseas clergy.
Learning repair and restoration was the way I picked up the construction techniques useful in fabrication. I was later encouraged to take a course in silk and metal thread embroidery for which my attendance was underwritten by various clergy and friends across the country. That course has enabled me to restore some fine vestment treasures and to better understand the use of digitized embroidery even enhanced by metal thread highlights in some projects.
My first traditional full-set vestment project was done with a friend in Sarasota, Florida, and from there I began taking on commissioned projects for various individuals and churches in a broad range of liturgical religious traditions. I use fine fabrics woven in London for the most part and choose linings of the most natural fibers suitable to the garment and its use environment.
Recently, with my parish, Mount Calvary, Baltimore I was reconciled to the Roman Catholic Church through reception into the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. I am excited and hopeful that my talents and experience working with traditional vestments will continue on a broader scale in this context.
Thank you for viewing my work and considering how I might serve your vestment wishes.